Peter Sauber doesn’t believe that there are any outstanding technical innovations to be seen on the grid this season when compared to previous years.
In 2009, the double-diffuser was born, whilst in 2010 it was the McLaren pioneered F-duct. Last season saw the exhaust-blown diffuser (EBD) – all of which have been banned.
This season though, according to the Sauber team principal, nothing stands out as a “revolutionary invention” so far.
“The big question is of course whether anyone, after the banning of the adventurous engine control (EBD), had found another revolutionary invention similiar to the blown diffuser,” he told Blick.
“So far it doesn’t look like it,” he added in regards to the fact that not all the cars, particularly Mercedes, have launched their 2012 challengers, whilst many outfits will be hiding upgrades until the final test.
“At the rear of the individual cars there are different solutions for the guiding of the exhaust gases but this is nothing unexpected.
“Of course it is clear that our opponents do not stand on the spot. All will work until the very first race at full speed.”
The 68-year-old also compared trying to rank the teams by their Jerez lap times to reading tea leaves.
“Any attempt to create a ranked list based on Jerez is for me no more and no less than reading tea leaves.
“Only at the last test, when the teams try the updates for Melbourne, will the fog of uncertainty clear.”