Jenson Button says he wouldn’t personally mind the calendar exceeding 20 races per season, but says more than 20 would be unfair on the mechanics and engineers.
Next weeks Brazilian GP will be the 19th race of the season following the cancellation of Bahrain. Next season has 20 scheduled events, but is expected to also drop to 19 if Austin is cancelled.
Button, talking to the official F1 website, says 20 is the maximum for his team members, given that they work longer hours during the race weekend.
“For us drivers I think it would be okay, as we love racing and therefore the more races the better.
“But for the mechanics and engineers it means being non-stop on the road, and they do not have big opportunities to go home to their families.
“So in this respect I would say that 20 races is enough,” added Button.
“Anything more than that would be too much, as these guys are here when we arrive in the morning and they are here when we leave in the evening and I think that they are working a lot harder than us, and they do deserve a break sometimes.”